This is an output page for Module:KBX diagnostic templates.
Entity list[ | ]
- 3-Way Connector
- 3-in-1 Tank
- 4-Way Connector
- 90-Degree Angle Corridor
- ATV Crate
- ATV Quad
- ATV Rocket Engine
- Air Compressor
- Airlock Iris
- Aluminum
- Aluminum Plate
- Anti-Meteor System
- Bathroom
- Battery Pack
- Battery Pack Upgrade
- Battery Rack
- Bed
- Big Antenna
- Big Circuit Board
- Big Corridor Joint
- Big Miner
- Big Plant Crate
- Big Rock Crusher
- Big Wind Turbine
- Blowtorch
- Blowtorch
- Blowtorch
- Botany Workbench
- CO2 Scrubber
- Cable
- Calcium
- Canteen
- Carbon Dioxide Bottle
- Cement
- Circuit Box
- Composter
- Container
- Container Ramp
- Cordless Drill
- Detonator
- Drill
- Electricity Workbench
- Electronics
- Field
- Fire Extinguisher
- First Aid Kit
- Food Processing Unit
- Fuse
- Glass Plate
- Grabber
- Greenhouse
- Grinder
- Grinder#Grinder II
- Grinder#Grinder III
- Hangar
- Heavy Rover
- Heavy Suit
- Horizontal Tank
- Hose
- Hub
- Hub Universal Wall Panel
- Ingenuity Helicopter
- Inventory Box
- Iron
- Jackhammer
- Jackhammer
- Jackhammer
- Jetpack
- Kilopower
- Large Dome
- Large Hydroponic Shelf
- Large Plant Incubator
- Light Pole
- Living Room
- Lobby
- Long Corridor
- Long Corridor with Window
- Marstruck
- Materials Workbench
- Mechanics Workbench
- Medium Antenna
- Medium Circuit Board
- Medium Dome
- Medium Solar Panel
- Methane Tank
- Motocross
- Normal Corridor
- Normal Corridor with Window
- Oxygen Bottle
- Oxygen Tank
- Pack of Screws
- Planting Tool
- Pump Station
- Pump Station Upgrade
- Ramp
- Refrigerator
- Remote Controller
- Repair Kit
- Rover Oxygen Extension
- Rover Power Extension
- Sabatier Reactor
- Seed Modification Machine
- Short Corridor
- Short Corridor with Window
- Silicon
- Single Capsule Adapter
- Small Antenna
- Small Circuit Board
- Small Corridor Joint
- Small Dome
- Small Engine
- Small Hydroponic Shelf
- Small Miner
- Small Pipe
- Small Plant Crate
- Small Plant Incubator
- Small Rock Crusher
- Small Solar Panel
- Small Wind Turbine
- Solar Cell
- Solid Rocket A Kit
- Solid Rocket Fuel
- Spectral Detector
- Spectral Detector#Spectral Detector II
- Spectral Detector#Spectral Detector III
- Steel Plate
- Storage Cabinet
- Suit Battery
- Survival Capsule
- Tank
- Tipper
- Transformer
- Transformer Upgrade
- Triple Capsule Adapter
- Universal Wall Panel
- Uranium
- Uranium Centrifuge
- Uranium Rod
- Vertical Tank
- Wardrobe
- Water Bottle
- Water Tank
- Welder
- Well
- Workbench
- Workshop
- Workshop Printer
- Workshop Sink
Blueprint list[ | ]
- botany
- electricity
- Battery Printing (blueprint)
- Big Antenna (blueprint)
- Efficient Photovoltaics
- Industrial Energy Converters (blueprint)
- Industrial Energy Storage II
- Kilopower (blueprint)
- Large Replaceable Accumulator I
- Medium Antenna (blueprint)
- More Effective Suit Battery II
- More Efficient Panels II
- Small Built-in Accumulator I (blueprint)
- materials
- mechanics
- ATV (blueprint)
- Antenna Remote Control (blueprint)
- Automatic Rock Lifting (blueprint)
- Blowtorch III (blueprint)
- Controller (blueprint)
- Grinder III (blueprint)
- Heavy Suit (blueprint)
- Jackhammer III (blueprint)
- Jetpack (blueprint)
- Motocross (blueprint)
- Night Vision (blueprint)
- Rover (blueprint)
- Spectral Detector III
Technology list[ | ]
- botany
- Additional Endurance Support
- Additional Life Support
- Automatic Fertilizer Extraction
- Basic Botany
- Big Plant Crate (technology)
- Faster Growth I
- Faster Growth II
- Food Processing
- Genetic Engineering
- Greenhouse (technology)
- Improved Composting
- Large Dome (technology)
- Lower Oxygen Usage
- Lower Oxygen Usage I
- Medium Dome (technology)
- Refrigerator (technology)
- Science Bench (Botany)
- Seed Machine
- Slower Withering I
- Slower Withering II
- Small Dome (technology)
- Small Plant Crate (technology)
- electricity
- Basic Electricity
- Battery Pack Upgrade (technology)
- Battery Printing
- Battery Rack (technology)
- Big Antenna (technology)
- Big Wind Turbine (technology)
- Customization (Electricity)
- Hangar Fast Charging
- Industrial Energy Converters
- Industrial Energy Converters I
- Industrial Energy Converters II
- Kilopower (technology)
- Large Accumulator Upgrade
- Large Replaceable Accumulator I
- Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Medium Antenna (technology)
- Medium Solar Panel (technology)
- More Effective Suit Batery II
- More Effective Suit Battery I
- More Efficient DIY
- More Efficient Panels I
- More Efficient Panels II
- Protection from Cold
- Science Bench (Electricity)
- Small Accumulator Upgrade
- Small Antenna (technology)
- Small Built-in Accumulator I
- Suit Energy Saver
- Transformer (technology)
- Workbench
- materials
- 3D Printer (technololgy)
- Advanced Connectors
- Basic Materials
- Bed (technology)
- Big Crusher
- Big Miner (technology)
- CO2 Scrubber (technology)
- Customization (Materials)
- Freestanding Tanks
- Hangar (technology)
- Hub (technology)
- Leveling Corridors
- Living Capsules
- Long Corridors
- Normal Corridors
- Pump
- Pump extension
- Science Bench (Materials)
- Short Corridors
- Small Crusher
- Small Miner (technology)
- Social Rooms
- Storage Cabinet (technology)
- Survival Capsule (technology)
- Teleporting Vehicles
- Uranium Centrifuge (technology)
- Well Extension
- Well Tanks
- Workshop (technology)
- mechanics
- ATV Crate (technology)
- ATV Rocket Engine
- Additional Controller Range
- Air Compressor (technology)
- All-Terrain Vehicle
- Antenna Remote Control
- Automatic Rock Lifting
- Basic Mechanics
- Blowtorch I
- Blowtorch II
- Blowtorch III
- Circuit Box
- Controller
- Customization (Mechanics)
- Detector II
- Detector III
- Detonator (technology)
- Drill (technology)
- Extinguisher
- Flying Drone
- Grinder I
- Grinder II
- Grinder III
- Heavy Rover (technology)
- Heavy Suit (technology)
- Jackhammer II
- Jackhammer III
- Jetpack (technology)
- Marstruck (technology)
- Meteor Defence
- Motocross (technology)
- Night Vision
- Radio
- Radio Base Control
- Rover Radar
- Rover Tanks
- Science Bench (Mechanics)
- Welder (technology)
Entity name conflicts[ | ]
- Plant Incubator
- large_plant_incubator.gname (Large Plant Incubator)
- small_plant_incubator.gname (Small Plant Incubator)
Renames[ | ]
- 3D Printer → 3D Printer (technololgy) (from t__printer)
- 90 Degree Angle Corridor → 90-Degree Angle Corridor (from l_connector)
- Advanced Connectors → Advanced Connectors (blueprint) (from bp__advanced_connectors)
- Air Compressor → Air Compressor (technology) (from t__air_compressor)
- All Terrain Vehicle → All-Terrain Vehicle (from t__atv)
- All Terrain Vehicle Crate → ATV Crate (technology) (from t__atv_crate)
- Aluminium Plate → Aluminum Plate (from aluminum_plate)
- Antenna → Small Antenna (technology) (from t__small_antenna)
- Antenna → Small Antenna (from small_antenna)
- Antenna Remote Control → Antenna Remote Control (blueprint) (from bp__antenna_rc)
- Anti-Meteoryte System → Anti-Meteor System (from ams)
- Automatic Rock Lifting → Automatic Rock Lifting (blueprint) (from bp__auto_rock_lifting)
- Base Botany → Basic Botany (from t__basic_botany)
- Base Electricity → Basic Electricity (from t__basic_electricity)
- Bath Room → Bathroom (from bathroom_capsule)
- Battery Pack Upgrade → Battery Pack Upgrade (technology) (from t__battery_pack_upgrade)
- Battery Printing → Battery Printing (blueprint) (from bp__battery_printing)
- Battery Rack → Battery Rack (technology) (from t__battery_rack)
- Bed → Bed (technology) (from t__bed)
- Big Antenna → Big Antenna (technology) (from t__big_antenna)
- Big Antenna → Big Antenna (blueprint) (from bp__big_antenna)
- Big Crusher → Big Crusher (blueprint) (from bp__big_crusher)
- Big Plant Crate → Big Plant Crate (technology) (from t__big_plant_crate)
- Big Plant Crate → Big Plant Crate (blueprint) (from bp__big_plant_crate)
- Big Wind Turbine → Big Wind Turbine (technology) (from t__big_turbines)
- Blowtorch III → Blowtorch III (blueprint) (from bp__blowtorch_iii)
- Box for Circuits → Circuit Box (from t__circuit_box)
- Box for Circuits and Pendrives → Circuit Box (from circuit_box)
- CO2 Scrubber → CO2 Scrubber (technology) (from t__co2_scrubber)
- Capsule Adapter → Triple Capsule Adapter (from triple_capsule_adapter)
- Connector → 4-Way Connector (from x_connector)
- Controller → Controller (blueprint) (from bp__controller)
- Corridor Joint → Small Corridor Joint (from small_corridor_joint)
- Corridor Joint Big → Big Corridor Joint (from big_corridor_joint)
- Customization → Customization (Electricity) (from t__customization)
- Customization → Customization (Mechanics) (from t__customization)
- Customization → Customization (Materials) (from t__customization)
- Detonator → Detonator (technology) (from t__detonator)
- Dome Large → Large Dome (from large_dome)
- Dome Medium → Medium Dome (from medium_dome)
- Dome Small → Small Dome (from small_dome)
- Drill → Drill (technology) (from t__rover_drill)
- Faster Growth II → Faster Growth II (blueprint) (from bp__faster_growth_ii)
- Fridge → Refrigerator (technology) (from t__refrigerator)
- Greenhouse → Greenhouse (technology) (from t__greenhouse)
- Greenhouse → Greenhouse (blueprint) (from bp__greenhouse)
- Grinder III → Grinder III (blueprint) (from bp__grinder_iii)
- Hangar → Hangar (technology) (from t__hangar)
- Heavy Rover → Heavy Rover (technology) (from t__rover)
- Heavy Suit → Heavy Suit (technology) (from t__heavy_suit)
- Heavy Suit → Heavy Suit (blueprint) (from bp__heavy_suit)
- Improved Blowtorch II → Blowtorch (from blowtorch_ii)
- Improved Blowtorch III → Blowtorch (from blowtorch_iii)
- Improved Grinder II → Grinder#Grinder II (from grinder_ii)
- Improved Grinder III → Grinder#Grinder III (from grinder_iii)
- Improved Jackhammer II → Jackhammer (from jackhammer_ii)
- Improved Jackhammer III → Jackhammer (from jackhammer_iii)
- Improved Spectral Detector II → Spectral Detector#Spectral Detector II (from spectral_detector_ii)
- Improved Spectral Detector III → Spectral Detector#Spectral Detector III (from spectral_detector_iii)
- Industrial Energy Converters → Industrial Energy Converters (blueprint) (from bp__industrial_converters)
- Jackhammer I → Jackhammer (from jackhammer)
- Jackhammer III → Jackhammer III (blueprint) (from bp__jackhammer_iii)
- Jetpack → Jetpack (blueprint) (from bp__jetpack)
- Jetpack → Jetpack (technology) (from t__jetpack)
- Kilopower → Kilopower (technology) (from t__kilopower)
- Kilopower → Kilopower (blueprint) (from bp__kilopower)
- Large Dome → Large Dome (technology) (from t__large_dome)
- Large Dome → Large Dome (blueprint) (from bp__large_dome)
- Large Hydroponics Shelf → Large Hydroponic Shelf (from large_hydroponic_shelf)
- Long → Long Corridor (from long_corridor)
- Long with Window → Long Corridor with Window (from long_corridor_w)
- Main HAB/HQ → Hub (from hub)
- Main HQ → Hub (blueprint) (from bp__hub)
- Main HQ → Hub (technology) (from t__hub)
- Marstruck → Marstruck (technology) (from t__truck)
- Medium Antenna → Medium Antenna (technology) (from t__medium_antenna)
- Medium Antenna → Medium Antenna (blueprint) (from bp__medium_antenna)
- Medium Dome → Medium Dome (technology) (from t__medium_dome)
- Medium Dome → Medium Dome (blueprint) (from bp__medium_dome)
- Medium Solar Panel → Medium Solar Panel (technology) (from t__medium_panels)
- Miner → Big Miner (from big_miner)
- Miner → Big Miner (technology) (from t__big_miner)
- Miner Small → Small Miner (from small_miner)
- Miner Small → Small Miner (technology) (from t__small_miner)
- Miner: Container Ramp → Container Ramp (from container_ramp)
- Motocross → Motocross (blueprint) (from bp__motocross)
- Motocross → Motocross (technology) (from t__bike)
- Multi-Connector → 3-Way Connector (from t_connector)
- Night Vision → Night Vision (blueprint) (from bp__night_vision)
- Normal → Normal Corridor (from normal_corridor)
- Normal → Normal Corridors (from t__normal_corridors)
- Normal with Window → Normal Corridor with Window (from normal_corridor_w)
- Plant Incubator → Large Plant Incubator (from large_plant_incubator)
- Plant Incubator → Small Plant Incubator (from small_plant_incubator)
- Plants Crate → Big Plant Crate (from big_plant_crate)
- Pump Extension → Pump Extension (blueprint) (from bp__pump_extension)
- Rover → Rover (blueprint) (from bp__rover)
- Rover mode: scan → Rover Radar (from t__rover_scan)
- Sabatier Reactor (Well Upgrade) → Sabatier Reactor (from sabatier_reactor)
- Science Bench → Science Bench (Mechanics) (from t__science_bench)
- Science Bench → Science Bench (Electricity) (from t__science_bench)
- Science Bench → Science Bench (Botany) (from t__science_bench)
- Short → Short Corridor (from short_corridor)
- Short with Window → Short Corridor with Window (from short_corridor_w)
- Slower Withering II → Slower Withering II (blueprint) (from bp__slower_withering_ii)
- Small Build-in Accumulator I → Small Built-in Accumulator I (blueprint) (from bp__small_accumulator_i)
- Small Dome → Small Dome (technology) (from t__small_dome)
- Small Plant Crate → Small Plant Crate (technology) (from t__small_plant_crate)
- Small Plants Crate → Small Plant Crate (from small_plant_crate)
- Small corridor → Short Corridors (from t__short_corridors)
- Solar Panel → Small Solar Panel (from small_solar_panel)
- Solidrocket A Kit → Solid Rocket A Kit (from solid_rocket_a_kit)
- Spectral Detector I → Spectral Detector (from spectral_detector)
- Storage Cabinet → Storage Cabinet (technology) (from t__storage_cabinet)
- Survival Capsule → Survival Capsule (technology) (from t__survival_capsule)
- Tank 3 in 1 → 3-in-1 Tank (from tank_3in1)
- Tanks for Rover → Rover Tanks (from t__rover_tanks)
- Teleporting Vehicles → Teleporting Vehicles (blueprint) (from bp__teleporting_vehicles)
- Transformer (ECU) → Transformer (from transformer)
- Transformer (ECU) → Transformer (technology) (from t__transformer)
- Universal Wall Panel HQ → Hub Universal Wall Panel (from universal_wall_panel_hub)
- Uranium Centrifuge → Uranium Centrifuge (technology) (from t__uranium_centrifuge)
- Water/Gas Cable → Hose (from hose)
- Welder → Welder (technology) (from t__rover_welder)
- Well Extension → Well Extension (blueprint) (from bp__well_extension)
- Wind Turbine → Small Wind Turbine (from small_wind_turbine)
- Workshop → Workshop (technology) (from t__workshop)
- Workshop Printer → Workshop Printer (blueprint) (from bp__workshop_printer)
Ambiguous names[ | ]
- 3D Printer
- workshop_printer.altnames (Workshop Printer)
- t__printer.gname (3D Printer (technololgy))
- quad.altnames (ATV Quad)
- bp__atv.altnames (ATV (blueprint))
- t__atv.altnames (All-Terrain Vehicle)
- ATV Rocket Engine
- atv_rocket_engine.wikipage (ATV Rocket Engine)
- t__atv_booster.wikipage (ATV Rocket Engine)
- Advanced Connectors
- bp__advanced_connectors.gname (Advanced Connectors (blueprint))
- t__advanced_connectors.wikipage (Advanced Connectors)
- Air Compressor
- air_compressor.wikipage (Air Compressor)
- t__air_compressor.gname (Air Compressor (technology))
- Antenna
- small_antenna.gname (Small Antenna)
- t__small_antenna.gname (Small Antenna (technology))
- Antenna Remote Control
- bp__antenna_rc.gname (Antenna Remote Control (blueprint))
- t__rc_antennas.wikipage (Antenna Remote Control)
- Automatic Rock Lifting
- bp__auto_rock_lifting.gname (Automatic Rock Lifting (blueprint))
- t__auto_rock_lifting.wikipage (Automatic Rock Lifting)
- Battery Pack Upgrade
- battery_pack_upgrade.wikipage (Battery Pack Upgrade)
- t__battery_pack_upgrade.gname (Battery Pack Upgrade (technology))
- Battery Printing
- bp__battery_printing.gname (Battery Printing (blueprint))
- t__battery_printing.wikipage (Battery Printing)
- Battery Rack
- battery_rack.wikipage (Battery Rack)
- t__battery_rack.gname (Battery Rack (technology))
- Bed
- bed.wikipage (Bed)
- t__bed.gname (Bed (technology))
- Big Antenna
- big_antenna.wikipage (Big Antenna)
- bp__big_antenna.gname (Big Antenna (blueprint))
- t__big_antenna.gname (Big Antenna (technology))
- Big Crusher
- bp__big_crusher.gname (Big Crusher (blueprint))
- t__big_crusher.wikipage (Big Crusher)
- Big Plant Crate
- big_plant_crate.wikipage (Big Plant Crate)
- bp__big_plant_crate.gname (Big Plant Crate (blueprint))
- t__big_plant_crate.gname (Big Plant Crate (technology))
- Big Wind Turbine
- big_wind_turbine.wikipage (Big Wind Turbine)
- t__big_turbines.gname (Big Wind Turbine (technology))
- Blowtorch
- Blowtorch III
- bp__blowtorch_iii.gname (Blowtorch III (blueprint))
- t__blowtorch_iii.wikipage (Blowtorch III)
- CO2 Scrubber
- co2_scrubber.wikipage (CO2 Scrubber)
- t__co2_scrubber.gname (CO2 Scrubber (technology))
- Circuit Box
- circuit_box.wikipage (Circuit Box)
- t__circuit_box.wikipage (Circuit Box)
- Controller
- bp__controller.gname (Controller (blueprint))
- t__remote_controller.wikipage (Controller)
- Customization
- t__customization.gname (Customization (Electricity))
- t__customization.gname (Customization (Materials))
- t__customization.gname (Customization (Mechanics))
- Detonator
- detonator.wikipage (Detonator)
- t__detonator.gname (Detonator (technology))
- Drill
- drill.wikipage (Drill)
- t__rover_drill.gname (Drill (technology))
- Extinguisher
- fire_extinguisher.altnames (Fire Extinguisher)
- t__fire_extinguisher.wikipage (Extinguisher)
- Faster Growth II
- bp__faster_growth_ii.gname (Faster Growth II (blueprint))
- t__faster_growth_ii.wikipage (Faster Growth II)
- Fridge
- refrigerator.altnames (Refrigerator)
- t__refrigerator.gname (Refrigerator (technology))
- Greenhouse
- greenhouse.wikipage (Greenhouse)
- bp__greenhouse.gname (Greenhouse (blueprint))
- t__greenhouse.gname (Greenhouse (technology))
- Grinder III
- bp__grinder_iii.gname (Grinder III (blueprint))
- t__grinder_iii.wikipage (Grinder III)
- Hangar
- hangar.wikipage (Hangar)
- t__hangar.gname (Hangar (technology))
- Heavy Rover
- rover.wikipage (Heavy Rover)
- t__rover.gname (Heavy Rover (technology))
- Heavy Suit
- heavy_suit.wikipage (Heavy Suit)
- bp__heavy_suit.gname (Heavy Suit (blueprint))
- t__heavy_suit.gname (Heavy Suit (technology))
- Industrial Energy Converters
- bp__industrial_converters.gname (Industrial Energy Converters (blueprint))
- t__industrial_converters_i.wikipage (Industrial Energy Converters)
- Jackhammer
- jackhammer_ii.wikipage (Jackhammer)
- jackhammer.wikipage (Jackhammer)
- jackhammer_iii.wikipage (Jackhammer)
- Jackhammer III
- bp__jackhammer_iii.gname (Jackhammer III (blueprint))
- t__jackhammer_iii.wikipage (Jackhammer III)
- Jetpack
- jetpack.wikipage (Jetpack)
- bp__jetpack.gname (Jetpack (blueprint))
- t__jetpack.gname (Jetpack (technology))
- Kilopower
- kilopower.wikipage (Kilopower)
- bp__kilopower.gname (Kilopower (blueprint))
- t__kilopower.gname (Kilopower (technology))
- Large Dome
- large_dome.wikipage (Large Dome)
- bp__large_dome.gname (Large Dome (blueprint))
- t__large_dome.gname (Large Dome (technology))
- Large Replaceable Accumulator I
- bp__large_acc_i.wikipage (Large Replaceable Accumulator I)
- t__large_accumulator_i.wikipage (Large Replaceable Accumulator I)
- Main HQ
- bp__hub.gname (Hub (blueprint))
- t__hub.gname (Hub (technology))
- Marstruck
- truck.wikipage (Marstruck)
- t__truck.gname (Marstruck (technology))
- Medium Antenna
- medium_antenna.wikipage (Medium Antenna)
- bp__medium_antenna.gname (Medium Antenna (blueprint))
- t__medium_antenna.gname (Medium Antenna (technology))
- Medium Dome
- medium_dome.wikipage (Medium Dome)
- bp__medium_dome.gname (Medium Dome (blueprint))
- t__medium_dome.gname (Medium Dome (technology))
- Medium Solar Panel
- medium_solar_panel.wikipage (Medium Solar Panel)
- t__medium_panels.gname (Medium Solar Panel (technology))
- Miner
- big_miner.gname (Big Miner)
- t__big_miner.gname (Big Miner (technology))
- Miner Small
- small_miner.gname (Small Miner)
- t__small_miner.gname (Small Miner (technology))
- More Efficient Panels II
- bp__efficient_panels_ii.wikipage (More Efficient Panels II)
- t__efficient_panels_ii.wikipage (More Efficient Panels II)
- Motocross
- bike.wikipage (Motocross)
- bp__motocross.gname (Motocross (blueprint))
- t__bike.gname (Motocross (technology))
- Night Vision
- bp__night_vision.gname (Night Vision (blueprint))
- t__night_vision.wikipage (Night Vision)
- Normal
- normal_corridor.gname (Normal Corridor)
- t__normal_corridors.gname (Normal Corridors)
- Plant Incubator
- large_plant_incubator.gname (Large Plant Incubator)
- small_plant_incubator.gname (Small Plant Incubator)
- Pump
- pump_station.altnames (Pump Station)
- t__pump.wikipage (Pump)
- Rover
- rover.altnames (Heavy Rover)
- bp__rover.gname (Rover (blueprint))
- Science Bench
- t__science_bench.gname (Science Bench (Electricity))
- t__science_bench.gname (Science Bench (Botany))
- t__science_bench.gname (Science Bench (Mechanics))
- Slower Withering II
- bp__slower_withering_ii.gname (Slower Withering II (blueprint))
- t__slower_withering_ii.wikipage (Slower Withering II)
- Small Dome
- small_dome.wikipage (Small Dome)
- t__small_dome.gname (Small Dome (technology))
- Small Plant Crate
- small_plant_crate.wikipage (Small Plant Crate)
- t__small_plant_crate.gname (Small Plant Crate (technology))
- Storage Cabinet
- storage_cabinet.wikipage (Storage Cabinet)
- t__storage_cabinet.gname (Storage Cabinet (technology))
- Survival Capsule
- survival_capsule.wikipage (Survival Capsule)
- t__survival_capsule.gname (Survival Capsule (technology))
- Teleporting Vehicles
- bp__teleporting_vehicles.gname (Teleporting Vehicles (blueprint))
- t__vehicle_tp.wikipage (Teleporting Vehicles)
- Transformer (ECU)
- transformer.gname (Transformer)
- t__transformer.gname (Transformer (technology))
- Uranium Centrifuge
- uranium_centrifuge.wikipage (Uranium Centrifuge)
- t__uranium_centrifuge.gname (Uranium Centrifuge (technology))
- Welder
- welder.wikipage (Welder)
- t__rover_welder.gname (Welder (technology))
- Well Extension
- bp__well_extension.gname (Well Extension (blueprint))
- t__well_extensions.wikipage (Well Extension)
- Workbench
- Workshop
- workshop.wikipage (Workshop)
- t__workshop.gname (Workshop (technology))
- Workshop Printer
- workshop_printer.wikipage (Workshop Printer)
- bp__workshop_printer.gname (Workshop Printer (blueprint))